Tuesday, July 14, 2020


[ As of Spring 2022 I am only taking in new advisees from the B.S. Sport Management Online program. If you are a current advisee or in the online program read on. If you are in the B. S. Sport Management traditional program you can contact Dr. Ternes (nternes@astate.edu) or Dr. Yu (hyu@aste.edu) for advising. M. S. Sport Adminstration traditional students are advised by Dr. Church (bchurch@astate.edu) , and M. S. Sport Administration Online students are advised By Dr. LaVetter (lavetter@astate.edu). ]

One of the privileges of my faculty and undergraduate coordinator position is that I get to advise students.  I relish the time I spend talking to you about you.  This is the time we talk about your hopes and dreams, I help you plan for your future (I get giddy about this. It's my bread and butter!), and I make the time I wish I could dedicate to you each class and each day during the whole semester.  During this time we plan a course-path to best reach those hopes and dreams.

There are, however, important things I want you to keep in mind about advising.   Advising is by its very nature a recommendation.  In this case, a professor (me) making a recommendation of possible courses you can take in an upcoming term based on the information at hand.  This recommendation is not the only option.  I have your best interest at heart and will advise what I think best, but I am not even remotely close to perfect.  It is up to you to decide what is best for you, because you know you best. You can find course offerings here.

Second, my advice does not transfer the responsibility for your degree or the fulfillment of your degree requirements onto me.  You must be familiar with your degree requirements.  At Arkansas State, these are listed in the bulletin of the year you are enrolled in.  Typically this is the school-year when you first enrolled.  There is a repository of bulletins on the A-State website.  Familiarize yourself with yours and take charge.  You can get a snapshot of what courses you still need to take in your degree works.  The Registrar's website has information on how to access it. You can also find how to access it in the video below. 

Email me a list of courses you want to take with a PDF of your degree works tracker. Once I evaluate the courses based on your degree tracker I will remove your hold. You may also make an advising appointment on PackSupport after you send me the degree tracker and course list email. 

Best wishes in the upcoming term!!

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