Philosophy & Ethics
Wednesday Notes (WeNo) - 8/26/20
What a pleasure it was to meet all my new Sport Philosophers! That's what I call all my students in the PE 4843 Sport Philosophy & Ethics of Sport and Exercise. I cannot wait for all the pondering, reflecting, and debating we will do. Technology issues aside, it was a great class! I loved meeting all of you. Remember, Friday class will be virtual as per A-States social distancing protocol guidelines; so I will see you on zoom! Here are a couple of resources before we met again.
- The full version of the syllabus
- The course overview video
- The assignments overview video
- The presentation schedule
- Check the presentation schedule link above to find out when you present and start preparing your presentation. Especially if you are presenting this upcoming class.
- Everyone must find the assigned article in the library and read it.
- Everyone must turn in a 3-2-1 assignment on Blackboard before class
- Don't forget you can be randomly selected to talk to the class about your 3-2-1 assignment.