This is a blog created to help disseminate information to my advisees, but really all prospective, current, and maybe even former college students out there that need a little push, advise, perspective, and/or support. I am excited to be here for you.
The most common theme from the Stop, start, continue feedback sheet was you all liked the assignment examples and detailed feedback, but without the group stats bit. I hear you. I will continue this practice and remove the group statistics in an effort to help you thrive in the course. If this is not reflective of your learning style and you need to come talk to me feel free to stay after class and discuss the topics or assignments more in depth. I am here to help you learn in the way that is best for you, come see me!
What are they calling this nowadays? I wanted to call it a mix tape, lol, but I do not think that is right. Anyways, about mid-week on week 1 I asked my students what songs are filling them with light right now. Yes, I am that sappy. Judge away. I did not get responses right away, so I told them Sofia (my 4 year old) suggested baby shark and that would be what we listened to during our class break next class. Then CJ came to the rescue with an amazing song. When class break time came about on week 2, we decided CJ's song was more appropriate for around midterm time. So we listened to Eddies suggestion. Here it is:
On week 3 we are listening to Kellen and Ellie's suggestions below:
I look forward to see what other suggestions my awesome Sport Marketers have to lighten up the mood during our class breaks and as we get to know each other better during the term =D
What about my online students and students from other classes? Post links to the songs that are filling you with light right now. Keep it PG please as this is an education bog ;P