Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sport Media Measurement Haikus


Television Audience Measurement (TAM)
Counting all the eyes,
From radio to live streams,
Sports ratings come alive.

Media Rights
Rights to show the games,
Forty to sixty percent,
Revenue flows in streams.

Analogue Broadcasting
Old signals in play,
Tradition on the screen shines,
Fading with the day.

Shift from old to new,
Tech transforms the game we watch,
Digital’s the view.

Over-the-Top (OTT) Platforms
Streaming through the net,
Cutting cords, the future's bright,
Media's new duet.

Ephemeral Nature of Sport
Moments come and go,
Live thrills wrapped in quick replays,
Time’s game, fast and slow.

Information Asymmetry
Data in their hands,
Platforms know us better now,
Trust is in demand.

Audience Measurement
Count the hearts and eyes,
From radio to today,
Viewers' lives quantified.

Commodification of Audiences
We’re numbers on screens,
Measured, traded, sold like goods,
In this media dream.

Size of the crowd's pulse,
Currency in the spotlight,
Viewers’ voices call.

Audience Turnover, Flow, Recycled
Shifting through the shows,
Tracking how we dance between,
Programs come and go.

Small groups tell the tale,
Voices of the many heard,
Insights from the few.

Response Bias
Data’s skewed by us,
When we share our viewing likes,
Truth can sometimes hide.

Non-linear Media Consumption
Watch at any time,
Flexibility’s the key now,
No more fixed timelines.

Symbiotic Relationship
Media and sports,
Together they thrive and grow,
A dance of success.

Fragmenting Media Environment
Scattered screens abound,
Viewers split among the streams,
Old ways fade away.

Subscriber-based Platforms
Pay for what you watch,
Revenue from loyal fans,
Ads take second stage.

Digital Platforms
New ways to consume,
Streaming dreams and social shares,
Content on the move.

Old vs. New Ecosystem
Tradition clashes,
Old live shows meet new streams now,
Ecosystems change.

Creative Disruption
Innovate the game,
New tech shakes the way we watch,
Engagement reclaims.

Pay-per-View Models
One fee for the thrill,
Exclusive access unfolds,
Events live and real.

Vertical Integration
Control the whole chain,
From creation to the screen,
Leagues now lead the game.

Non-Linear Consumption
Watch when you want, friend,
Breaking from the rigid mold,
Content never ends.

Shifting how we play,
Old ways yield to new formats,
Change is here to stay.

Fragmented Viewing
Across many screens,
Viewing habits intertwine,
Complexity reigns.

Digital Sport Platforms
Live streams, highlights shared,
Changing how we watch the games,
New metrics declared.

Stream Consumption
Views stack high and wide,
Counting clicks and watch times now,
Streaming's vast domain.

Time-Shifted Viewing
Catch it later, friend,
On-demand fits our own time,
Schedules bend and blend.

Viewer Minutes
Time spent on each show,
Engagement adds up in counts,
Metrics tell the tale.

Split-Screen Functionality
Watch it all at once,
Multiple streams in your gaze,
Engagement redefined.

Attention Minutes
Time with eyes on screens,
Measured moments of our love,
Engagement in dreams.

On-Demand Consumption
Content at your will,
Watch it when you want, my friend,
Flexibility’s thrill.

Collective Viewing
Once we gathered close,
Now alone in our own space,
Sharing screens and hearts.

Consumer Behavior
What makes us click play?
Patterns in our habits shine,
Insights pave the way.

First-Party Data
Direct from the source,
Data tells our story true,
Control in our hands.

Third-Party Cookies
Tracking through the net,
Phasing out the old ways now,
Change is on the rise.

Algorithmic Customization
Tailored just for you,
Algorithms craft your stream,
Experience anew.

Granular Measurement
Details shape the view,
Understanding users well,
Content made for you.

Content Curation
Select, arrange, share,
Content shaped for every eye,
Engagement’s the aim.

Commodification of Audiences
Audiences as goods,
Reduced to data points now,
Profit takes the stage.

Short-Form Content
Quick hits on the go,
Bites of joy in every click,
Snackable delight.

Freemium Model
Basic free to start,
Premium for the good stuff,
Choice is in your heart.

Click-Through Advertising
Click the ad, you’ll see,
Directing traffic your way,
Digital's new spree.

Virtual Advertising Models
Blend brands with the show,
Integrate with style and flair,
Viewer's gaze will grow.

Immersive Technologies
Experience the blend,
Digital and real collide,
Interactive end.

Real-Time Markets
Transactions that flow,
Based on data right away,
Insights in the now.

Quantifying life,
Measuring our every move,
Data tells the tale.

Highlights Content
Key moments arise,
Shining bright in edited clips,
Engage without time.

Channel Preference
Choose what you consume,
Specific tastes shape our paths,
Media to bloom.

Measure every glance,
Understanding who we are,
Numbers dance in chance.

Data Ownership
Hold your info tight,
Rights to data in your hands,
Control is the light.

Inter-Organizational Relationships
Networks intertwine,
Collaboration takes flight,
Sharing paths to shine.

Subscription Media Platforms
Pay to watch the thrill,
Access locked behind a gate,
Content’s value spills.

Audience Currency
New metrics take shape,
Evaluating engagement,
Changing how we rate.

Content Strategy
Plan the path ahead,
Maximize our reach and ties,
Engagement is bred.

Data Science Practices
Tools to decode life,
Analyzing complex sets,
Insights bring us light.

Innovation in Sport Media
New forms hit the scene,
Changing how we view our games,
Media's fresh sheen.

Sport-Television Relationship Model
Dynamics at play,
Sports and screens in harmony,
A model for change.

Digital Paradigm
Digital’s the norm,
New platforms shift our focus,
Old ways face the storm.

Total Sport Audiences
All fans on the screens,
Measuring every heartbeat,
Sports' reach, vast and keen.

Principal-Agent Theory
Trust between the lines,
Who makes the calls, who responds,
Sports and media.

Inter-Organisational Relationships
Links between the teams,
Collab and compete in stride,
Together we rise.

Demand Theory
Price and wants align,
Study how we choose and buy,
Market’s dance refined.

Sport Consumer Behaviour
How we engage, friend,
With sports content in our lives,
Patterns guide the trend.

Fujak, H., Karg, A., & Whitburn, D. (2024). Sport media has an audience measurement problem. European Sport Management Quarterly, 24(3), 582-602.